I'm proud to announce that after 5 months, on Monday 12th September, GE Tracker is losing it's "open beta" title and will become a subscription model. Drop party details will be released over the next few days

I first posted about GE Tracker on reddit 12th April 2016 and was surprised at how much interest it generated from users. I've had a great time building GE Tracker so far and getting to know a lot of you, some of whom I speak to on a daily basis. The development will continue and our cash stacks will keep increasing!

We've hit a few milestones during this time, with a few more to come:

  • [x] 100 users
  • [x] 500 users
  • [x] 1000 users
  • [x] 2000 users
  • [ ] 3000 users
  • [x] 500m profit
  • [x] 1b profit
  • [ ] 1.5b profit

I'd like to give special thanks to those that have suggested ideas during the beta and have helped bring GE Tracker to where it is today:

Tyrael, Nebbo, BenefitsOfaG, AntiTcb, 001, eKu, Dan0406, ruben, Darkarca, Hunnit_Mill, badgehunter, Notus, ko3k3bakk3r, killerjerick, Zyenne, OSCP, YungTurd, MrDraconite, dinazoe, Hoomphaloomp, Majestic Poro, Haircross, Python, Humpy, Sacra, Da Clod, and Deagler.

If you've made a suggestion and can't see your name above, please contact me at contact@ge-tracker.com

Some bonus images, if anyone would like to see what GE Tracker originally looked like, check out this gallery: https://imgur.com/a/qKUNj

GE Tracker will become a £2.00 subscription, with payments taken via Stripe Checkout. If anyone thinks they will have trouble (Stripe not being available in their country etc.) please email me.

Good luck merchanting.