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Search results for 'potion' 136 items found

Item Current Price Approx. Offer Price Approx. Sell Price Tax Approx. Profit (gp) ROI% Buying Quantity (per hour) Selling Quantity (per hour) Buy/Sell Ratio GE Limit
Agility potion(1) 93 40 93 0 53 132.5% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Agility potion(2) 16 16 152 -1 135 843.75% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Agility potion(3) 164 164 164 -1 -1 -0.61% 100 58 +1.72 2,000
Agility potion(4) 238 276 238 -2 -40 -14.49% 48 0 0.00 2,000
Antifire potion(1) 165 165 228 -2 61 36.97% 0 3 0.00 2,000
Antifire potion(2) 496 496 496 -4 -4 -0.81% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Antifire potion(3) 1,100 1,178 1,100 -11 -89 -7.56% 2 1,428 0.00 2,000
Antifire potion(4) 998 961 998 -9 28 2.91% 4,798 107 +44.84 2,000
Attack potion(1) 3 3 2 0 -1 -33.33% 0 5 0.00 2,000
Attack potion(2) 9 9 9 0 0 0% 17 2 +8.50 2,000
Attack potion(3) 4 4 5 0 1 25% 850 635 +1.34 2,000
Attack potion(4) 29 17 29 0 12 70.59% 767 301 +2.55 2,000
Avantoe potion (unf) 3,946 3,750 3,944 -39 155 4.13% 19,238 460 +41.82 10,000
Bastion potion(1) 5,496 5,000 5,496 -54 442 8.84% 4 1 +4.00 2,000
Bastion potion(2) 12,151 12,151 12,123 -121 -149 -1.23% 0 2 0.00 2,000
Bastion potion(3) 17,769 17,769 19,584 -195 1,620 9.12% 0 4 0.00 2,000
Bastion potion(4) 25,094 25,094 25,400 -254 +52 0.21% 2,355 1,160 +2.03 2,000
Battlemage potion(1) 5,776 5,776 5,776 -57 -57 -0.99% 0 252 0.00 2,000
Battlemage potion(2) 12,516 12,516 12,516 -125 -125 -1% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Battlemage potion(3) 18,415 18,415 11,667 -116 -6,864 -37.27% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Battlemage potion(4) 27,696 25,812 27,696 -276 1,608 6.23% 19 1 +19.00 2,000
Cadantine blood potion (unf) 18,844 18,551 19,429 -194 +684 3.69% 1 2 0.50 10,000
Cadantine potion (unf) 3,680 3,679 3,764 -37 +48 1.3% 2,327 1,018 +2.29 10,000
Combat potion set 928 928 783 -7 -152 -16.38% 0 8 0.00 2,000
Combat potion(1) 65 65 499 -4 430 661.54% 0 2 0.00 2,000
Combat potion(2) 50 30 50 0 20 66.67% 2 0 0.00 2,000
Combat potion(3) 290 290 330 -3 37 12.76% 0 798 0.00 2,000
Combat potion(4) 435 394 435 -4 37 9.39% 1,688 99 +17.05 2,000
Compost potion(1) 9 15 9 0 -6 -40% 1 0 0.00 50
Compost potion(2) 17 1 17 0 16 1600% 1 0 0.00 50
Compost potion(3) 1 1 1 0 0 0% 100 0 0.00 50
Compost potion(4) 2 2 3 0 1 50% 0 3 0.00 50
Defence potion(1) 213 213 161 -1 -53 -24.88% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Defence potion(2) 260 260 150 -1 -111 -42.69% 0 4 0.00 2,000
Defence potion(3) 440 440 450 -4 6 1.36% 1 3 0.33 2,000
Defence potion(4) 654 620 654 -6 28 4.52% 12 2 +6.00 2,000
Divine bastion potion(1) 6,454 6,454 7,801 -78 1,269 19.66% 0 2 0.00 2,000
Divine bastion potion(2) 12,750 12,750 13,378 -133 495 3.88% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine bastion potion(3) 18,999 18,999 20,492 -204 1,289 6.78% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine bastion potion(4) 28,499 28,237 28,499 -284 -22 -0.08% 3,608 596 +6.05 2,000
Divine battlemage potion(1) 5,666 5,666 9,800 -98 4,036 71.23% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine battlemage potion(2) 11,957 11,957 9,336 -93 -2,714 -22.7% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine battlemage potion(3) 19,021 19,021 25,000 -250 5,729 30.12% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine battlemage potion(4) 27,574 26,313 27,574 -275 986 3.75% 6 0 0.00 2,000
Divine magic potion(1) 618 200 618 -6 412 206% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Divine magic potion(2) 500 500 497 -4 -7 -1.4% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine magic potion(3) 1,354 1,251 1,354 -13 90 7.19% 2 3 0.67 2,000
Divine magic potion(4) 2,019 1,965 2,019 -20 +34 1.73% 655 326 +2.01 2,000
Divine ranging potion(1) 1,006 1,006 1,006 -10 -10 -0.99% 70 432 0.16 2,000
Divine ranging potion(2) 2,769 2,769 6,500 -65 3,666 132.39% 0 80 0.00 2,000
Divine ranging potion(3) 3,954 3,954 3,766 -37 -225 -5.69% 5 11 0.45 2,000
Divine ranging potion(4) 5,547 5,553 5,695 -56 +86 1.55% 2,683 11,395 0.24 2,000
Divine super attack potion(1) 300 300 397 -3 94 31.33% 0 3 0.00 2,000
Divine super attack potion(2) 608 608 818 -8 202 33.22% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine super attack potion(3) 1,542 1,542 1,558 -15 1 0.06% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine super attack potion(4) 2,150 2,087 2,150 -21 42 2.01% 106 0 0.00 2,000
Divine super combat potion(1) 4,928 4,928 4,682 -46 -292 -5.93% 272 40 +6.80 2,000
Divine super combat potion(2) 10,125 10,125 9,643 -96 -578 -5.71% 2 96 0.02 2,000
Divine super combat potion(3) 14,010 14,010 14,977 -149 818 5.84% 4 21 0.19 2,000
Divine super combat potion(4) 19,593 19,541 19,598 -195 -138 -0.71% 7,352 2,550 +2.88 2,000
Divine super defence potion(1) 1,168 1,168 99,000 -990 96,842 8291.27% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine super defence potion(2) 1,800 1,800 1,365 -13 -448 -24.89% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Divine super defence potion(3) 2,004 2,004 2,004 -20 -20 -1% 0 51 0.00 2,000
Divine super defence potion(4) 5,050 3,798 5,050 -50 1,202 31.65% 124 100 +1.24 2,000
Divine super strength potion(1) 649 500 649 -6 143 28.6% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Divine super strength potion(2) 2,585 2,224 2,717 -27 466 20.95% 4 0 0.00 2,000
Divine super strength potion(3) 4,857 4,857 4,857 -48 -48 -0.99% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Divine super strength potion(4) 6,416 6,416 7,184 -71 +697 10.86% 546 10 +54.60 2,000
Dwarf weed potion (unf) 2,040 2,040 2,081 -20 21 1.03% 4,569 9,158 0.50 10,000
Energy potion(1) 309 155 309 -3 151 97.42% 102 4 +25.50 2,000
Energy potion(2) 287 287 500 -5 208 72.47% 0 4 0.00 2,000
Energy potion(3) 666 613 987 -9 +365 59.54% 101 2,550 0.04 2,000
Energy potion(4) 927 888 929 -9 +32 3.6% 5,303 169 +31.38 2,000
Fishing potion(1) 1 2 1 0 -1 -50% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Fishing potion(2) 316 316 1,000 -10 674 213.29% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Fishing potion(3) 32 32 40 0 8 25% 0 38 0.00 2,000
Fishing potion(4) 119 102 119 -1 16 15.69% 3 0 0.00 2,000
Goading potion(1) 17,500 17,500 18,500 -185 815 4.66% 1 21 0.05 -
Goading potion(2) 32,777 32,777 38,000 -380 4,843 14.78% 0 1 0.00 -
Goading potion(3) 53,200 47,111 53,200 -532 5,557 11.8% 1 0 0.00 -
Goading potion(4) 67,347 64,141 67,347 -673 2,533 3.95% 266 35 +7.60 -
Guam potion (unf) 575 564 575 -5 6 1.06% 3,181 626 +5.08 10,000
Harralander potion (unf) 736 726 736 -7 3 0.41% 2,821 0 0.00 10,000
Huasca potion (unf) 10,940 10,800 10,940 -109 31 0.29% 395 0 0.00 -
Hunter potion(1) 1,332 272 1,332 -13 1,047 384.93% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Hunter potion(2) 1,200 1,200 998 -9 -211 -17.58% 0 2 0.00 2,000
Hunter potion(3) 3,100 3,100 4,000 -40 860 27.74% 0 184 0.00 2,000
Hunter potion(4) 4,368 4,368 5,793 -57 1,368 31.32% 25 342 0.07 2,000
Irit potion (unf) 1,337 1,331 1,337 -13 -7 -0.53% 3,224 20 +161.20 10,000
Kwuarm potion (unf) 3,492 3,450 3,506 -35 21 0.61% 12,264 502 +24.43 10,000
Lantadyme potion (unf) 1,863 1,863 1,749 -17 -131 -7.03% 13,974 1,068 +13.08 10,000
Magic potion(1) 40 40 49 0 9 22.5% 203 598 0.34 2,000
Magic potion(2) 72 72 57 0 -15 -20.83% 0 29 0.00 2,000
Magic potion(3) 123 90 123 -1 +32 35.56% 1 1,942 0.00 2,000
Magic potion(4) 169 164 169 -1 +4 2.44% 2,328 374 +6.22 2,000
Marrentill potion (unf) 220 220 220 -2 -2 -0.91% 853 188 +4.54 10,000
Prayer potion(1) 2,205 2,205 2,383 -23 155 7.03% 0 217 0.00 2,000
Prayer potion(2) 4,373 4,373 4,373 -43 -43 -0.98% 123 257 0.48 2,000
Prayer potion(3) 6,532 6,532 6,531 -65 -66 -1.01% 4,349 15,616 0.28 2,000
Prayer potion(4) 8,968 8,962 8,998 -89 -53 -0.59% 43,749 17,145 +2.55 2,000
Prayer regeneration potion(1) 19,000 19,000 20,599 -205 1,394 7.34% 0 1 0.00 -
Prayer regeneration potion(2) 38,000 38,000 61,372 -613 22,759 59.89% 0 10 0.00 -
Prayer regeneration potion(3) 60,000 57,998 60,000 -600 1,402 2.42% 1 0 0.00 -
Prayer regeneration potion(4) 77,018 77,009 77,750 -777 -36 -0.05% 362 797 0.45 -
Ranarr potion (unf) 6,442 6,500 6,534 -65 -31 -0.48% 28,180 3,190 +8.83 10,000
Ranging potion(1) 446 301 446 -4 141 46.84% 55 82 0.67 2,000
Ranging potion(2) 946 946 978 -9 23 2.43% 55 157 0.35 2,000
Ranging potion(3) 1,743 1,743 1,746 -17 -14 -0.8% 32 6,397 0.01 2,000
Ranging potion(4) 2,339 2,285 2,344 -23 +36 1.58% 18,181 3,681 +4.94 2,000
Restore potion(1) 1 35 1 0 -34 -97.14% 2 0 0.00 2,000
Restore potion(2) 35 10 35 0 25 250% 1 0 0.00 2,000
Restore potion(3) 25 25 25 0 0 0% 0 13 0.00 2,000
Restore potion(4) 120 99 120 -1 20 20.2% 95 53 +1.79 2,000
Sigil of the potion master 0 26,178 28,685 -286 2,221 8.48% 0 0 0.00 -
Snapdragon potion (unf) 8,579 8,448 8,600 -86 66 0.78% 33,965 2,692 +12.62 10,000
Stamina potion(1) 2,449 2,449 2,449 -24 -24 -0.98% 2,304 1,097 +2.10 2,000
Stamina potion(2) 4,825 4,825 4,825 -48 -48 -0.99% 11 68 0.16 2,000
Stamina potion(3) 7,205 7,205 7,246 -72 -31 -0.43% 659 3,035 0.22 2,000
Stamina potion(4) 9,421 9,362 9,559 -95 +102 1.09% 27,536 13,282 +2.07 2,000
Strength potion(1) 23 20 23 0 3 15% 3 2 +1.50 2,000
Strength potion(2) 32 32 42 0 10 31.25% 0 4 0.00 2,000
Strength potion(3) 81 81 107 -1 25 30.86% 0 629 0.00 2,000
Strength potion(4) 133 131 134 -1 +2 1.53% 3,485 476 +7.32 2,000
Super antifire potion(1) 5,000 5,000 4,869 -48 -179 -3.58% 0 4 0.00 2,000
Super antifire potion(2) 10,788 10,788 10,078 -100 -810 -7.51% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Super antifire potion(3) 15,800 15,800 18,823 -188 2,835 17.94% 0 1 0.00 2,000
Super antifire potion(4) 26,326 26,326 26,750 -267 157 0.6% 90 8 +11.25 2,000
Super combat potion(1) 3,400 3,400 3,520 -35 85 2.5% 121 161 0.75 2,000
Super combat potion(2) 7,226 7,227 7,149 -71 -149 -2.06% 364 610 0.60 2,000
Super combat potion(3) 10,431 10,431 10,839 -108 300 2.88% 1 21 0.05 2,000
Super combat potion(4) 14,099 13,992 14,144 -141 +11 0.08% 13,572 5,309 +2.56 2,000
Super potion set 11,190 11,099 11,190 -111 -20 -0.18% 2,000 0 0.00 2,000
Tarromin potion (unf) 436 430 436 -4 +2 0.47% 3,552 342 +10.39 10,000
Toadflax potion (unf) 3,683 3,688 3,686 -36 -38 -1.03% 1,165 5,925 0.20 10,000
Torstol potion (unf) 2,967 2,967 2,997 -29 1 0.03% 0 451 0.00 10,000
Unfinished potion 429 429 900 -9 462 107.69% 0 28 0.00 10,000